

Elizabeth’s Place is stately mansion that calls Crawdad home. Among the rolling hills of genteel Southern landscape, the house was once the residence of earth-bound specter William Alexander Cooper and his wife Elizabeth, but now belongs to Sara McKenzie. Now, the peaceful residence that only shuddered in the night when Sara moved into it, creaks and groans, chills and moans as the wintery rains fall.


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Chapter 1
The sun twinkled off the hooks holding the railings around the ring as Sara McKenzie patiently guided her student and friend Marian Carblo Sanders in her horseback riding lessons. Though Marian, now nearing her fifty-first birthday, had been born in the country, she had never taken the time, or had the opportunity, to learn to ride. So, knowing a birthday was coming closer with each passing day, she had started her version of a bucket list, things she wanted to accomplish in life. At the top listed in bold letters was learn to ride and jump. “Give him his head. You’re a little tight on the reins,” Sara, who had immediately volunteered to give the lessons, instructed her rider. “That’s it. He knows the way around the ring, but you still have to guide him where you want him to go. You are the one in charge.”
Chapter 2
Over oatmeal and biscuits the following morning, Marian asked her father Herb Carblo how his Sunday adventure had gone the day before, him having already been in bed before she arrived home last night. “For the life of me, I just never understood why grown men want to chase something, much less a ball,” the older man said, never looking up from the spoon and bowl before him. “I never did find any enjoyment in chasing horses, or cows, or even ducks for that matter, and they were moving all the time I was trying to catch them.
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Love comes in many degrees

They are on top of the music charts, number one in the country, pulling in millions of dollars along with gold and platinum records, packing concert halls to their capacity, and wanted by every national television network.


The blips of life along the road have given her appreciation of the adventures she pursues even if the journey is often complex and gnarled with twists and turns. But aren’t they the most intriguing escapades of all?
The goal of publishing fictional books for others to read spurred her on. It wasn’t until her life took a health change, and Multiple Sclerosis took her from the working world, that the opportunity presented itself. Mystery writing soon became as consuming as mystery reading, and each new puzzle brought her back to the days of sunshine-sprinkled fields and illustrious who-done-its.

What happens if one becomes very sick?

What happens if he dies?

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Love comes in many degrees. The love one has for God, sexual love between man and wife, and brotherly love. Let us examine brotherly love… The Jason brothers, Richard, 18 years of age, and Scott, 14 years of age, who make their living as professional musicians, are exceptionally close to one another.