

Elizabeth’s Place is a stately residence of a by-gone era that calls home the community of Crawdad, a tiny spot set among the rolling hills and genteel landscapes of the South. Though the tiny dot on a map isn’t populated enough for a post-office or incorporated governmental body, Crawdad is home of wonderful residents: Herb Carblo, owner of the grocery store in Crawdad and his widowed daughter Marian, Ross Barnett, and Lem Stover. It’s newest resident, who owns Elizabeth’s Place, is fifty years younger than most of the residing populace. Her name is Sara McKenzie and she loves to solve mysteries that have been haunting the land for years. And her best friend is a ghost!


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Chapter 1
“Come on girl, you can make it,” Ashton Grayson encouraged the old car as it puttered and sputtered down the lonesome road. His gas needle read empty, and his motor sounded shattered, but he crossed his fingers and said a little prayer for wings of angels to carry him as he pushed harder on the gas pedal. “Just a little further and surely there will be a store or a gas station. Come on… I know we can make it just a bit further. I really don’t feel like walking with it getting dark in the middle of nowhere USA.”
Chapter 2
Sara McKenzie inwardly wondered at the person she’d become in the last year or so. It was amazing to hear herself invite this total stranger into her house. Not because she wasn’t hospitable but because she would never have stopped for a lone stranger on the road, much less brought him home, a mere year ago. How things had changed. As their two wearying bodies gathered Ashton’s belongings from the truck, Sara skimmed through the year just past. Her father had died and left her this farm a million miles from where she’d called home. She acted very independently and hopped a plane to this wonderful world that seemed hidden away from modern day chaos and busy-ness. The minute she’d opened the doors of the house, she’d realized that she was truly at home here.
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Love comes in many degrees

They are on top of the music charts, number one in the country, pulling in millions of dollars along with gold and platinum records, packing concert halls to their capacity, and wanted by every national television network.


The blips of life along the road have given her appreciation of the adventures she pursues even if the journey is often complex and gnarled with twists and turns. But aren’t they the most intriguing escapades of all?
The goal of publishing fictional books for others to read spurred her on. It wasn’t until her life took a health change, and Multiple Sclerosis took her from the working world, that the opportunity presented itself. Mystery writing soon became as consuming as mystery reading, and each new puzzle brought her back to the days of sunshine-sprinkled fields and illustrious who-done-its.

What happens if one becomes very sick?

What happens if he dies?

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Love comes in many degrees. The love one has for God, sexual love between man and wife, and brotherly love. Let us examine brotherly love… The Jason brothers, Richard, 18 years of age, and Scott, 14 years of age, who make their living as professional musicians, are exceptionally close to one another.